Tuesday, February 28, 2006

House Concurrent Resolutions

By Mr. Speaker (Mr. Kiss), Del. Beach, Amores, Argento, Blair, Caputo, Carmichael, Crosier, DeLong, Duke, Eldridge, Ellem, Fragale, Frederick, Hartman, Houston, Hrutkay, Hunt, Iaquinta, Kominar, Lane, Leach, Longstreth, Manchin, Martin, Miley, Paxton, Perdue, Pethtel, Poling, Proudfoot, Roberts, Rowan, Staton, Stemple, Sumner, Swartzmiller, R. Thompson, Tucker, Walters and Wells - Designating May 19-21,2006, as "Order of the Arrow Weekend" in the State of West Virginia - To Rules

By Del. Canterbury, Walters, Carmichael, Evans, Roberts, Campbell, Trump, Sumner, Crosier, Anderson, Armstead, Ashley, Azinger, Barker, Blair, Boggs, Caputo, DeLong, Duke, Eldridge, Ellem, Frederick, Hamilton, Hartman, Howard, Hrutkay, Iaquinta, Lane, Leggett, Long, Longstreth, Louisos, Manchin, Martin, Miley, Moore, Morgan, Overington, Paxton, Porter, Romine, Rowan, Schadler, Schoen, Spencer, Stalnaker, Stephens, Stevens, Talbott, Tansill, Wakim, Wells and G. White - Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study the prospect of reducing medical care costs for state employees - To Rules